Kandis’s Weblog

Just another WordPress.com weblog

Why I think Watermelon could change the world… October 3, 2008

Filed under: All about me — kandisjohnson @ 6:04 am

Have you ever sat down on a late summer day to a delicious bowl of watermelon? Could you smell it’s red sweetness over the slight heat of the day? Have you participated in a seed spitting or watermelon eating contest? Have you ever been able to take seriously the person next to you after such a contest as watermelon hangs awkwardly from their nose?

I’m telling you, if the world leaders of today were forced to decide foreign policy over a watermelon eating contest, the world would be a different place.

I think it could be a lot happier, well unless of course your allergic to watermelon, then maybe you shouldn’t participate in such contests.

Look, even grown men can appreciate a really good slice of watermelon!

But on a more serious note, I’m a fan of the round watermelon. Something about it’s ability to overtake the entire refrigerator and leave no room for anything else kind of makes me giggle. Well the Japanese have found away to take this simple pleasure of mine and make it more practical for the rest of the world. Yes, I’m talking of the square watermelon. Can you imagine? I couldn’t so just to illustrate this for you I found a picture:

There it is. Apparently it fits perfectly in the refrigerator and costs an affordable $82. I’m almost positive we’ll be seeing this on the U.S. market next summer. I personally will continue to be the ever penny pinching starving student and will stick with the boring, ever dominating, round watermelon!

And why might you ask am I ranting and raving about the sweetness of the watermelon? It’s far better than writing a paper on Stalin’s Five Year Plan!


I’m a blogger… October 2, 2008

Filed under: All about me — kandisjohnson @ 5:37 am

I broke down today and well, I’m a blogger.

Go figure…