Kandis’s Weblog

Just another WordPress.com weblog

Life June 25, 2009

Filed under: 1 — kandisjohnson @ 7:24 am

So here I am, it’s currently one am and I’m blogging. I really do need to work on this blogging thing, even when I don’t blog I still seem to have followers. So I apologize to all my followers for not updating you on my life more frequently. 🙂

Today had nothing very special about it. It was just a day amassed with so many other days. I did enjoy it though. It was one of the first few days that I was able to enjoy the summer. The heat from the sun, the feel of the grass under my toes, the neighbor kids swinging in their hammock, it was a perfect summer day. I used today to kind of reflect on where I’m going with my life. I’m at this cross road and it’s been a little scary. The unknown, the abyss of life after graduation. I’ve been toying with many different ideas that I actually think I’m giving myself stress. Which for me, is never a pleasant thing, but than, is it ever, for anyone. 🙂 So for those of you who may be curious, here are some of my ideas, some of my “plans.”

1. Stay here in Orem. While that has appeal, my family is right here, I rarely get lost here anymore, I have my favorite grocery stores, etc, I feel the need for a new adventure in my life. But staying in Orem would not be a bad thing either.

2. Move to Salt Lake. This also has appeal. I do however, get lost frequently in Salt Lake, I don’t have a favorite grocery store, but it would be an adventure. What would I do in SL? Good question, but I’m sure it could be amazing.

3. Move to Portland. or maybe Seattle. or maybe Santa Barbra. or maybe Europe. or maybe I just don’t know. The world is apparently my oyster just waiting for me to come and grab it.

So what to do? I just don’t know. I thought at one point I figured it out but than it lost it’s appeal and I wanted something else. I’m sure I’ll figure it out and have decided just to put my fate in God’s hand’s and let Him decide. That, at least for the moment, seems like the easier route. In fact, one of my favorite quotes from my mission was one that stated, if you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans. Well, God must be laughing up a storm. I’m sure he knows I’m doing my best and all I can ask is that I end up where I need to be. In the meantime, I will finish up my last semester and a half in school and see what life unfolds for me than. Until than I shall just enjoy the simplicity that is my summer. While secretly wishing I was here...

While secretly wishing I was here…


2 Responses to “Life”

  1. Amber Says:

    Sounds like you could use a GPS. Or maybe just a good atlas. Best of luck, sis.

  2. pixelfish Says:


    The streets here are relatively easy to figure out.

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